
Paquita’s Angels would not exist without the incredible help of the following institutions. They are the bridge between our organization and each family in need.

Our current service partners

David Fairchild Elementary School

5757 SW 45th St, Miami, FL 33155
(305) 665-5483
Contact: Ms. Chin, school counselor

Mandarin Lakes K-8 Elementary School

12225 SW 280th St, Homestead, FL 33032
(305) 257-0377
Contact: Ms. Mills, CIS

Iglesia San Miguel Arcángel

Colonia San Miguel
Tegucigalpa, Honduras

Help Us Forward

Without the help of our sponsor friends this could not be possible. We thank them for their support and their continued faith in our South Florida youth.

If you would like to become a recurring sponsor or make a one-time PA’s donation, please feel free to click on the donate button or feel free to email us at

Our Current Paquita's Angels Ambassadors

Our Current Sponsors/ Paquita's Angels